Hanwang M10 and M10 Mini handwritten office booksTalk about opinions: bull market-In 2023, the R&D investment will reach 22.2% of the total revenue, forming a multi-modal perceptual intelligence technology such as computer vision, intelligent video analysis and natural language processing.
Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences bought 12.61 million shares of Hanwang Technology, the authentic visual leader, and the model of Hanwang Tiandi.-Performance improvement: M10 is 10.3 inches, M10 Mini is 8.2 inches, all of which are made of aerospace grade aluminum alloy frame, matched with self-developed drawing grade digital electromagnetic pen B6, built-in domestic flagship 8-core processor, 8+128GB large memory, 6500mAh and 4200mAh large capacity batteries.Hanwang voice king App
Hanwang M10 and M10 Mini handwritten office booksInstitute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences bought 12.61 million shares of Hanwang Technology, the authentic visual leader, and the model of Hanwang Tiandi.Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences bought 12.61 million shares of Hanwang Technology, the authentic visual leader, and the model of Hanwang Tiandi.